The Prime Directive
Sharing Life—Connecting Journeys—Following Christ
The Shima---“Hear o Isreal:The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up…”. Deuteronomy 6:4-6
I think everyone who watched TV during the 70-80’s will remember the words of the introduction to Star Trek; “These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. It’s five –year mission: to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man has gone before. (Modified quote from White house booklet published in 1958.”The Introduction to Outer Space”. Originally published in an effort to garner support for a national space program in the wake of the Sputnik flight.
Both the mission of the Enterprise and the words of the Shima speak to intentionality. Words that remind us that we live for more than ourselves alone and our lives should be lived with thought and premeditation (as much as possible).
I could not have imagined that the Star Fleet directors would have ever sent the Enterprise on a Sunday drive with no purpose. Can you imagine that discussion, “Go ahead and take her for a spin Jim along with the 350 crew members…let us know if you find anything interesting.” While the mission may have sounded a little vague in its wording it still pointedly defined their calling---
Explore, seek, Go boldly.
When God directed Moses to share the Shima He knew He was speaking to a people who wandered, who had issues with authority, who wouldn’t always show up when they were supposed to (sounds a lot like a life group) but He still called them beloved and “my people”.
God in His infinite wisdom has chosen us….frail, inconsistent beings that we are to help lead and mentor His kingdom here on earth. What a privilege…I love the words “God doesn’t always call the able, but He always enables those He calls”.
Summer is a great time to be intentional. Let me encourage you to continue meeting. It would be a great time to rotate leadership if you haven’t done so before. You could do it directly or simply take the opportunities when you are gone yourself to ask someone else to lead. Summers are great get together and party times…have your meetings at a local park so nobody has to vacuum or fix coffee. Pot lucks and picnics always are good connecting and inviting times. I know the creative group you are and have no doubt you can come up with lots of imaginative ways to connect and serve.
As was shared this last Sunday Kay Kolde has put together a study guide for Philippians that corresponds with what Pastor Joshua is teaching. Designed for families the study guide works very well for Life Groups as well. There will be a single sheet with Bible references and questions for each week in the usual place by the front office. If Bible study is important to you (which it is for all of us) consider utilizing the excellent study for your group. Why not have a different member of your group facilitate and lead one of the nine weeks of the study?
We are also looking for a person or couple who might have a particular burden for single Moms. The objective would be to facilitate a Life group on Sunday mornings helping the single Moms in our church to connect. If interested or you know of a good fit just send an email to Steve or Margo.
In all things we give thanks for you!!! YOU ARE APPRECIATED.