Is There A “Code 10-13” in Your Life?
Sharing Lives—Connecting Journeys—Following Christ
In moments of watching fictional or “reality” police shows we have all heard at sometime or other the radio call codes that officers of the law utilize to alert one another to transpiring events they need to respond to. Usually preceded by a number then another number these codes can be shared over radio waves and the public, whether citizens or crime perpetrators seldom have any idea what is being communicated. To those in the law enforcement community however call codes and knowing what they signify can make the difference between life and death. Between a routine traffic stop needing little back up or arriving at a scene with a hail of bullets to greet you.
I recently had the privilege of attending a men’s retreat with a number of men from our valley at the Young Life camp at Malibu, British Columbia. The main speaker was Bill Page a retired New York City detective with an amazing testimony. He shared with us the stories of his own troubled past and the redeeming work of Christ in his life and his eventual call into ministry. His love for his prior profession and the men and women he served with was evident. He reiterated over and over the stress that these public servants live in daily and the sad statistic that twice as many police officers will take their own lives out of quiet desperation than will die in the line of duty defending the public. He shared with us the priority in his life to continually answer the code 10-13 calls in his role as police chaplain. Code 10-13….the call sign that every officer dreads receiving, officer in imminent life threatening danger, all units proceed immediately to the location in full support. No hesitation, no priority greater. A brief numerical description of a potential event with life altering circumstances for everyone. Here are a few of the 10:13 verses in the Bible:
Daniel 10:13b …..then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the King of Persia.
1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.
Romans 10:13 for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
Just a few verses that confirm that we serve a loving God that knows our 10-13 moments before we even have them. As you serve and occasionally have your 10-13 calls know that what you do, and the care you bring as extensions of the “hands of Christ” matters. Thank you for answering the call and even loving the EGR (extra grace required) folks.
Stephen Bishop—Director of Life Groups